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,Restore filelist is terminating abnormally

Hello, i am trying to restore a backup using the below stored procedure in 2008r2. But i am getting the following error Restore filelist is terminating abnormally.. can anyone help me on this ? use [master] Go set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[RestoreDB] -- Alter the SP Always @p_strDBNameTo SYSNAME, @p_strFQNRestoreFileName VARCHAR(500) AS -- BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @v_strDBFilename VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @v_strDBLogFilename VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @v_strDBDataFile VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @v_strDBLogFile VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @v_strExecSQL NVARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @v_strExecSQL1 NVARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @v_strMoveSQL NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @v_strREPLACE NVARCHAR(100) DECLARE @v_strTEMP NVARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @v_strListSQL NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @v_strServerVersion NVARCHAR(20) DECLARE @v_intErr INT DECLARE @v_intRetval INT DECLARE @v_strerrormsg VARCHAR(210) SET @v_strREPLACE = '' --SET @p_strFQNRestoreFileName= 'D:\backupeftest_20130321111150.BAK' IF exists (select name from sys.databases where name = @p_strDBNameTo) SET @v_strREPLACE = ', REPLACE' SET @v_strListSQL = '' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + 'IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb..##FILE_LIST'') IS NOT NULL ' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + 'BEGIN' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' DROP TABLE ##FILE_LIST ' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + 'END ' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + 'CREATE TABLE ##FILE_LIST (' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' LogicalName VARCHAR(64),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' PhysicalName VARCHAR(130),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' [Type] VARCHAR(1),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' FileGroupName VARCHAR(64),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' Size DECIMAL(20, 0),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' MaxSize DECIMAL(25,0),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' FileID bigint,' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' CreateLSN DECIMAL(25,0),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' DropLSN DECIMAL(25,0),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' UniqueID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' ReadOnlyLSN DECIMAL(25,0),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' ReadWriteLSN DECIMAL(25,0),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' BackupSizeInBytes DECIMAL(25,0),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' SourceBlockSize INT,' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' filegroupid INT,' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' loggroupguid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' differentialbaseLSN DECIMAL(25,0),' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' differentialbaseGUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' isreadonly BIT,' SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ' ispresent BIT' SELECT @v_strServerVersion = CAST(SERVERPROPERTY ('PRODUCTVERSION') AS NVARCHAR) IF @v_strServerVersion LIKE '10.%' BEGIN SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ', TDEThumbpr DECIMAL' --PRINT @v_strServerVersion END SET @v_strListSQL = @v_strListSQL + ')' BEGIN TRY EXEC (@v_strListSQL) INSERT INTO ##FILE_LIST EXEC ('RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = ''' + @p_strFQNRestoreFileName + '''') DECLARE curFileLIst CURSOR FOR SELECT 'MOVE N''' + LogicalName + ''' TO N''' + replace(PhysicalName, LogicalName, @p_strDBNameTo) + '''' FROM ##FILE_LIST SET @v_strMoveSQL = '' OPEN curFileList FETCH NEXT FROM curFileList into @v_strTEMP WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0 BEGIN SET @v_strMoveSQL = @v_strMoveSQL + @v_strTEMP + ', ' FETCH NEXT FROM curFileList into @v_strTEMP END CLOSE curFileList DEALLOCATE curFileList PRINT 'Killing active connections to the "' + @p_strDBNameTo + '" database' -- Create the sql to kill the active database connections SET @v_strExecSQL = '' SELECT @v_strExecSQL = @v_strExecSQL + 'kill ' + CONVERT(CHAR(10), spid) + ' ' FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE DB_NAME(dbid) = @p_strDBNameTo AND DBID 0 AND spid @@spid EXEC (@v_strExecSQL) PRINT 'Restoring "' + @p_strDBNameTo + '" database from "' + @p_strFQNRestoreFileName + '" with ' PRINT ' data file "' + @v_strDBDataFile + '" located at "' + @v_strDBFilename + '"' PRINT ' log file "' + @v_strDBLogFile + '" located at "' + @v_strDBLogFilename + '"' SET @v_strExecSQL = 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @p_strDBNameTo + ']' SET @v_strExecSQL = @v_strExecSQL + ' FROM DISK = ''' + @p_strFQNRestoreFileName + '''' SET @v_strExecSQL = @v_strExecSQL + ' WITH FILE = 1,' SET @v_strExecSQL = @v_strExecSQL + @v_strMoveSQL SET @v_strExecSQL = @v_strExecSQL + ' NOREWIND, ' SET @v_strExecSQL = @v_strExecSQL + ' NOUNLOAD ' SET @v_strExecSQL = @v_strExecSQL + @v_strREPLACE --PRINT '---------------------------' --PRINT @v_strExecSQL --PRINT '---------------------------' EXEC sp_executesql @v_strExecSQL RETURN 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT @v_intErr = @@ERROR,@v_intRetval = @v_intErr SET @v_strerrormsg = 'Restore of ' + @p_strFQNRestoreFileName + ' failed with Native Error : ' + CAST(@v_intErr as varchar(10)) + ', Error Message: ' +ERROR_MESSAGE() RAISERROR(@v_strerrormsg,16,1) RETURN 0 END CATCH END GO

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